this is my calligram. It was fun to write a letter to myself for this project, I enjoy thinking about the future. When I think about the future, I think a lot about the house that I will live with my family. I think a lot about the interior of the house, but I also think about my family spending time in the house and enjoying it. That is why I chose a house for my reference picture. I love bright colors and I think it is fun to think and hope that maybe in the future bright colors on houses will be more acceptable and maybe I can have a pink purple and green house like this one.
I first started by making the picture of the house the background and locking the layer. I then outlined it using the pen tool and filled in the shapes with the text. I went back and added detail by using different characters for the window frames, door handle, and the brick of the house. I think this really made the house come to life. I also added in the chimney and made it the word family because like I talked about in my letter to myself, family is very important, so I wanted it to stand out. I added in the grass, sun, and clouds last and I think it helped fill in the empty spaces.
this is the letter I wrote to myself:
this is the image I used for my inspiration:
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